Yvon St. Aubin is a man of many parts. He was a
classical musician who has become a rocker. He is a young urbanite who has a passion for Charlevoix countryside. He is an enthusiastic hockey player.
And he paints.
His art, like his life, is full of contrasts. Intense rays of light are reflected from his vivid colours. A dark mountain rises in¬to muticoloured skies. A capable draftsman with a keen sense of composition, his creations have a style that is as fresh as the artwork of a child.
Through the years, St. Aubin has demonstrated an aptitude for enjoying life that is as intense as it is passionate. He works as hard as he plays. He paints without stop until he is exhausted. At the same time he loves the nightlife scene.
His first love was music. He studied musical history and composition at the Vincent d'Indy School in Montreal, and eventually chose the guitar as his instrument. While he has performed the music of Bach and Mozart in concert, he was more attracted to the music of groups such as Offenbach and has since become a committed rock enthusiast. While he was still finishing high school, he discovered his second love, the theatre.
St. Aubin studied drawing with the same passion he brought to his music, filling numerous notebooks with his pencil sketches of Charlevoix. The more he sketched and painted, the more he was drawn to it. "Colour for me is ima¬gination, fantasy," he says.
The artist regards each of his works as an opportunity to share a personal message with the collector. On the back
of each canvas he inscribes a personal note or an anecdote about the work. One of his works was chosen by the Tourist Association for the cover of its tourist guide for 2002.
If St. Aubin has a mission, it is to por¬tray the attractions of Charlevoix on canvas, painting them, as he says, with the eye of a lover. Recently he began a project to create a mural for the City Hall in Valleyfield for which he recrui¬ted a dozen students through small ads in local community papers.
Paul Moore
Yvon Saint-Aubin is represented by the follow¬ing galleries: Da-Li Gallery, D.S.L. Drummond, NB; Beauchamp & Beauchamp, Quebec; Chase Creation, Beaconsfield; Galerie d'art Mont-Shefford, Canton Shefford; Galerie d'art Beauchamp, Baie-St-Paul; Galerie Saint-Ce-saire, St-Cesaire. He is listed in The Biennial Guide to Canadian Artists in Galleries published by